If you take a post office franchise, you can start your business. You only have to invest a little money- Rs 5000. After having the franchise, you have to work related to the post office, and then you will get paid. From this franchise, you can make a huge amount.
Two types of franchise
There are two sorts of franchises that the post office is providing: first – Post Franchise Postal i.e. Post Office Outlet Franchise; the second type is Postal Agent. If there is no post office in your village, take an outlet of the post office. On the other hand, if you are capable of doing postal stamp work, speed post delivery and others, choose postal agency option. If you go for the first option, you need at least 200 square feet of space to have a financial retail outlet. There will be a security deposit of Rs 5000.
Any person with at least 18 years of age and class 8 clearing will be eligible for having a post office franchise on his name. No need for any kind of technical course. These franchises can run in any village or city. Just take caution that there is no presence of a post office service in that particular area.
Purpose behind these services
This is a way where the post office is trying to reach to every corner where it is not yet been. In-fact in many parts of the country, there is no post office. In these areas, people get into so many problems in accessing post service or take it, while some cannot afford to take services.
Through such franchises, the facilities of the post office will reach straight to the people and provide them with employment too. The person who wants the franchise will have to apply on the official website of post service-indiapost.gov.in.