Ration Cards will be Discontinued From the New Year! Know the Reason Behind this

The ration card scheme launched by the Government of India is proving to be a boon for every citizen in today’s time. Let us tell you that the Government of India has made an important announcement which will affect crores of people of the country. You will be surprised to know that from January 1, physical ration cards will not be required. Apart from this, the government has made some important amendments to improve the process of public distribution system.

If you also use ration card and want to take advantage of free ration scheme, then read this article carefully till the end. Today we are going to tell you through this article that how you can now take full advantage of ration. So let’s know the information about the new rules of ration card without any delay.

Key features of the New Ration Distribution System

The latest ration distribution system is referred to with many important features:

  • Aadhaar linked verification– You would be identified as beneficiaries through your Aadhaar card or biometric data.
  • Digital record keeping- All transactions will be digitally recorded thereby preventing problems like fraudscissors.
  • Portability- All Indians would have to get ration from the fair price shop that would be for the prescribe time limits.
  • Real time Update: As soon as you receive the ration your real time status will be captured in the machine and it is mandatory for it to be updated on time.
  • Smartphone App- With its utility, citizens do not need to face all related facilities with ration card.

Aadhaar-based verification procedure

Under the new scheme, now Aadhaar verification is obligatory to have a ration card. Initially, beneficiaries have to enter their Aadhaar card number; then, biometric verification (fingerprint or iris scan) will be done on e-PoS machine. As soon as the process of Aadhaar verification is successful, you are declared beneficiary instantly, and you can now be a ration recipient according to your eligibility.

Record keeping digitally with transparency

You will be shocked to know that as the new system all the old transactions are going to be recorded in real-time. Besides, all this crucial data will be stored in the central server, making it more valuable for future access. Thus, all eligible beneficiaries are able to check their status from anywhere within the house.

Beneficiary smartphone application

  • Check available ration
  • Find the nearest fair price shop.
  • Determine transaction history
  • Complain
  • Usage of AI and ML in ration distribution

Prominent redesigning in ration distribution system involves the incorporation of AI and ML model inputs. Factors in the correct fair assessment of citizens considered, the AI-enabled applications created by the government have transformed the landscape of ration distribution systems. For more information, you can visit the official website.

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